Friday, November 18, 2011

Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia


- Indonesian Contractors Associations (ICA) - 

The history of ICA can be traced back to late 1950s, when numerous big development projects that funded by foreign loan started to expand in Indonesia. Those projects opened huge opportunities for international bids not only for domestic contractors but also for foreign contractors, and invited foreign investment (by law No. 1/1967).

Indonesia was one of IFAWPCA (International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Association) founders. IFAWPCA was founded in Manila in March 1958. Indonesia was represented by Ir. R. Pramudji who was assigned by Minister of PUTL. GAPPENSI (Gabungan Pelaksana dan Perencana Nasional Seluruh Indonesia) held its first congress in Tretes-Malang in 1959 and resolved some decisions, it was essential to establish a National contractor organization or a master builder association in order to face foreign contractors and to represent Indonesia in an International Forum. At that time, there was a self realization that GAPPENSI was not eligible enough to be IFAWPCA member.

Based on those facts, the Minister of PUTL stated that for the time being Dewan Direksi Perusahaan Bangunan Negara (DDPBN) would represent Indonesia at IFAWPCA Conventions. At 10th IFAWPCA Convention in Bangkok in 1970, IFAWPCA Executive Board urged Indonesian Contractors to establish an organization as IFAWPCA member. Right after coming back, Indonesian delegates held a meeting presented by Ir. S. Danunagoro representing DDPBN, H.E. Kowara representing Dewan Teknik Pembangunan Indonesia (DTPI), and Ir. R. Rooseno representing GAPPENSI.

PT. Pembangunan Jaya office in Senen on October 2, 1971, a meeting was held and an agreement was reached to establish a new contractors association named Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (AKI) or Indonesian Contractors Association (ICA). Then, the charter was signed at Putri Duyung Cottage by DTPI, GAPPENSI, and DDPBN. There were 22 construction companies and 21 construction experts as AKI founding members.

ICA was legitimated on October 2, 1973. At 12th IFAWPCA Convention held in Taipei on 2-10 April 1973, Indonesian Delegation was represented by ICA announcing the replacement of DDPBN with ICA. The membership was issued in October 1973 and signed by President and Secretary General of IFAWPCA period 1973-1974, Mr. Takeo Atsumi and Mr. Soichi Shibur.



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