• We provides advertisement concept development and full production services including writing, scripting, design, and audio-visual services.
  • Graphic design services for individuals and enterprises with a focus on professional and integrated marketing materials.
  • We handle all pre-production work which can include script writing, location scouting, talent scouting and planning to make the video production process run smoothly.
  • Our web presence services are comprehensive packages for businesses and organizations that would like to have a professional internet presence without requiring investments in hardware, software and manpower for development, design, hosting, and maintenance of their website.
  • Entrust all your concerns to us while we plan and organize your dream party, exhibitions, product launching, or any occasion that requires a professional touch to ensure things go just the way you planned.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Konstruksi Indonesia 2011 Exhibition Officially Opened

Minister of Public Works, Djoko Kirmanto opened the Konstruksi Indonesia (KI) 2011 (Indonesia's Constructions 2011) Exhibition and Seminar at the Jakarta Convention Center today (23/11). The exhibition took place on November 23 to 25, 2011 in Cenderawasih Room, Jakarta Convention Center.

Construction Exhibition 2011 is participated by the toll road business sector, state-owned companies, telecommunications, electronics, banking, construction businesses. The seminar is specifically held in order to facilitate and expand the flow of information and knowledge of the perpetrators as well as construction and infrastructure manufacturers on various matters relating to investment and infrastructure construction activities and implementation of highway construction work.

Menteri PU Djoko Kirmanto hari ini (23/11) membuka Pameran dan Seminar Konstruksi Indonesia (KI) 2011 di Jakarta Convention Center. Pameran berlangsung tanggal 23 – 25 November 2011 di Ruang Cenderawasih,  Jakarta Convention Center.

Pameran Konstruksi 2011 diikuti oleh sektor pelaku usaha jalan tol, perusahaan BUMN, sektor telekomunikasi, elektronik, perbankan, pelaku usaha konstruksi. Seminar secara khusus diadakan dalam rangka memfasilitasi dan memperluas infromasi dan pengetahuan para pelaku konstruksi dan infrastruktur serta produsen tentang berbagai hal terkait investasi dan aktifitas konstruksi infrastruktur jalan tol dan pelaksanaan pekerjaan konstruksi.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Konstruksi Indonesia 2011 - Print Ads

KI2011 Print Ad

Brand Konstruksi Indonesia 2011
Product Event
Client Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (Indonesian Contractors Assiciations)
Project Event Supports
Job(s) Copy writing (Indonesian)
Designs: Flyer, Poster, Banners, Print Ads, BBM's Blasting 
Completed November 2011
Agency Caviar Communications

Click on image to zoom in

Click on image to zoom in

Click on image to zoom in

Konstruksi Indonesia 2011 - Outdoor Banners

Modest Billboard (Baliho)

Brand Konstruksi Indonesia 2011
Product Event
Client Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (Indonesian Contractors Assiciations)
Project Event Supports
Job(s) Copy writing (Indonesian)
Designs: Flyer, Poster, Banners, Print Ads, BBM's Blasting 
Completed November 2011
Agency Caviar Communications


Horizontal Banner

Horizontal Banner

Horizontal Banner

